We help people from Halifax in locating a drug or alcohol rehab center near them. Our drug addiction rehab placement service is designed to help you locate the best treatment possible for you or your loved one. Canadian Drug Rehab offers you free addiction treatment program referrals for treatment and recovery of drug and alcohol addictions. If you or someone you know requires help with an alcohol or drug addiction problem, and is looking for real help, please call us TODAY!


Drug Addiction Treatment Halifax

The total yearly cost of substance abuse in Canada is approximately $40 Billion, about $1300 for every citizen. A person may take a legal, non-prescription drug to help them sleep. People also choose to take illegal drugs to enhance a mood, to share an experience with friends, or even to escape temporarily from a difficult, unhappy or stressful situation.
Help is available if you want to change. In Nova Scotia, an entire range of addiction services are provided free of charge through Nova Scotia’s District Health Authorities and the IWK, although real addiction treatment usualy requires a residential (live in) program to be most effective.

Please call Canadian Drug Rehab today if you need help finding a rehab facility near or close to Moncton, New Brusnwick.

Nova Scotia has a major problem with prescription drug addiction such as oxycodone, percocets and other pain killer medication. The major substance of addiction is alcohol. Nova Scotia has a substance abuse rate of 13.8%. The province is almost 3% over the average for Canada at around 11%.

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Approximately 30,000 or 3.2% of Nova Scotians are binge drinkers, who regularly consume a harmful amount of alcohol and are dependant on alcohol. The following types of treatment: detoxification, drug rehab, long term residential, short term residential, out patient, and day programs; are available in Nova Scotia’s 23 various rehab facilities.

It’s important to know that withdrawal from some drugs can require medical supervision. Do not try to go “cold turkey” on your own. Call Canadian Drug Rehab for help before cutting down or stopping your use.

If you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol or drugs we’re here to help. You don’t have to figure it out alone. We are experienced rehab placement professionals who can help you work through any issue you are facing, offering practical guidance and advice, with compassion and the utmost confidentiality. Take the first step by finding out more today.
Canadian Drug Rehab is a free drug treatment referral program in designed to help the addict and their families find a drug addiction treatment centre or alcohol addiction treatment centre in Halifax Nova Scotia.

Please contact Canadian Drug Rehab of you need help finding treatment with a drug addition or alcohol abuse problem. We are always here to help the addict and the families of the addict achieve long lasting and on-going sobriety.